Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Newspaper and Member Party

The New newspaper is out! It talks about the member party in the begining. You can even get a change to meet Cadince! (probably in the party only)
Here is her player card:

(I saw her on Frozen. You get an autographed background with her signature like Rockhopper)
The Winter Feista starts on 2/13!
The secret in today's newspaper is about the Pizzatron 3000 game!


Here are the rooms of the Member Party.

Also, Wilder194 wins the rare member contest! I still havnet given the penguin to him so there is still a chance for you to win it! No more comment-counting, you can still give a coin code or card code or membership code.

Have fun!
P.S. Someone asked in the contest if they can give a book code, the answer is no, since I have them all in my sidebar.