Saturday, September 13, 2008

2 Pins Hidden this Time!

The first pin is easy to get too. It is at the dock.

The second pin can be tricky to get to. Follow these steps
1. Go to the stage.
2. Click the file cabnet on the top left corner so it opens.
3. Click the garbage can on the top middle so it opends.
4. Click the middle of the book on the desk at the bottom above the "action" button and the "snowball" button so it flips 2 pages.
5. Click the vase on top right corner to it lifts into the air.
6. Click the painting on the right so it comes off the wall.
7. Click the lock and there it is!

(click for bigger pic)

Last but not least, the Costume Trunk secrets!
Go to the very back and click the box with the "How to get coins" and slide it down for a background! You still have to pay 60 coins for it.

Click the doornob on the 3rd page (4th page if you count the title) for the Dark Detective's Coat

Hope this was helpful!